A stock analysis tool for passive investors

Discover stocks with a text-based screener.
Visualize financials with charts and trend lines.
Personalized news feed and more.
No Credit Card Required!

Effortlessly screen stocks

Filter and discover companies based on specified criteria all using a keyboard. Our text-based screener feature allows you to efficiently search through a vast database of companies, refining your options to find the ones that match your investment strategy.

Financial Snapshots

Dive into visual earnings insights that transform complex financial data into clear, actionable snapshots. Uncover the future of informed investing – it's time to make your financial journey effortless with Financial Snapshots.

Visualize Financials

Dive deep into the financials of a company with our intuitive visualization tools. Easily analyze, customize and understand key financial metrics, ratios, and trends, enabling you to make data-driven investment choices.

Shares Ownership Split

Uncover the intricate web of shares ownership with our Shares Ownership Split feature. Dive into the nuanced landscape of companies as we provide a simple breakdown of shares ownership structure, shedding light on how shares are distributed among stakeholders.

Glassdoor Insights

Dive into the pulse of organizations as we provide quick and comprehensive snapshots sourced directly from Glassdoor, offering an insider's viewpoint. Uncover the essence of a company's work environment, employee experiences, and overarching sentiments through real-time reviews and ratings.

Analysts Ratings & Forecasts

Your gateway to accessing expert opinions and gaining a comprehensive overview of market sentiment. Navigate the financial landscape with confidence as we bring you insights from seasoned analysts, distilling their ratings and forecasts into a valuable resource for informed decision-making.

Insider Transactions

Stay informed about crucial insider buying and selling activities, especially from key executives. Gain a strategic advantage by tracking the movements of key executives, providing you with a unique vantage point into the inner workings of your chosen industries.

Institutional Holdings

Explore the backbone of a company's shareholder landscape through our Institutional Holdings feature. Gain insight into the major players shaping the market by discovering which prominent institutions hold shares in a given company. This feature provides you with a detailed breakdown of the institutional ownership, offering transparency into the investment decisions of large financial entities such as mutual funds, pension funds, and other significant players.

Leadership Insights

Welcome to our Leadership Insights feature, where the curtains are drawn back to reveal the driving forces behind the scenes. Discover the leadership forces behind the scene and get a swift glimpse into their bios and the broader governance team driving the companies.


What is MarketDataFyi?

A stock market research platform tailored for busy, everyday passive retail investors. Our user-friendly interface and high-quality insights are designed to help you understand the companies you're interested in and make informed investment decisions.

Why use another stock research tool when so many already exist?

Most stock market research tools are noisy and overwhelming, designed decades ago for a different era. Today's retail investors need a modern, intuitive tool for making informed investment decisions.

How accurate and reliable is the data?

We collect data from several external sources. While our aim is to provide the most accurate and reliable data, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data. We encourage our users to do their own due diligence and research before making any investment decisions.

What is the Beta program?

The Beta program is an early access version of our product that allows users to explore and use its features for free. It helps us gather feedback to improve the product before an official launch.

How long will the Beta program last?

The Beta program will run until we have collected sufficient feedback and insights about the product's usage and effectiveness. We will notify all users in advance of any changes or the end of the Beta period.

Is the Beta version really free?

Yes, the Beta version is completely free to use. We want to ensure you can explore all the features and provide us wit any valuable feedback.

Is customer support available if there are any questions or if assistance is needed?

Yes, we do have customer support via email and you can to reach out to us at support@marketdatafyi.com

How much will the premium version cost?

While we haven't finalized the pricing, our goal is to offer extremely low and affordable pricing to ensure the product remains accessible to all users. We will announce the pricing details well in advance.

How will I know when the product is transitioning to premium?

We will communicate all important updates, including the transition to premium, via email and notifications within the product. Please ensure your contact details are up to date to receive these communications.

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